Search Results for ciliUSH - 234 interactions found in 57 entries.

Interactor1 (Subject) Interaction type Interactor2 (Object) additional information
91383 MYO7A affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91385 CDH23 affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91387 PCDH15 affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91389 USH1C affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91391 USH1G affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91393 CIB2 affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91395 CLRN1 affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91399 USH2A affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIA
91400 ADGRV1 affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91402 WHRN affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91404 HARS1 affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
91408 MYO7A increases_activity of photoreceptor
91409 MYO7A increases_activity of cochlear hair cell
91410 CDH23 increases_activity of cochlear hair cell
91413 USH1C increases_activity of cochlear hair cell
91414 USH1G increases_activity of cochlear hair cell
91415 CIB2 increases_activity of photoreceptor
91416 WHRN increases_activity of cochlear hair cell
28721681 Retinitis pigmentosa
126520 USH2A affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIA
126528 ADGRV1 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIC
126529 ARSG affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IV
126530 CDH23 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type ID
126532 CIB2 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IJ
126533 HARS1 affects_activity of Usher syndrome type IIIB
126534 MYO7A affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IB
126535 PCDH15 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IF
126536 PDZD7 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIC, GPR98/PDZD7 digenic
126537 USH1G affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IG
126539 USH1C affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IC
126543 WHRN affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IID
30915099 Ophtalmological
137999 MYO7A affects_activity of impaired hearing
32937936 Hearing loss
138699 MYO7A affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IB
138700 USH1C affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IC
138701 CDH23 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type ID
138702 PCDH15 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IF
138703 USH1G affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IG
138704 CIB2 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IJ
138705 USH2A affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIA
138706 ADGRV1 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIC
138707 WHRN affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IID
138708 CLRN1 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIIA
138709 HARS1 affects_activity of Usher syndrome type IIIB
138715 USH1G interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
138718 WHRN interacts (colocalizes) with ADGRV1
138719 WHRN interacts (colocalizes) with USH2A
33920085 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138723 MYO7A affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IB
138724 MYO7A affects_activity of deafness
9171832 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138733 MYO7A is localized in cilium in cochlear hair cells, in olfactory neurons, in kidney distal tubules, in lung bronchi
9678669 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138736 MYO7A affects_activity of photoreceptor connecting cilium
10414956 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138758 MYO7A is_part_of MYO7A-USH1C-USH1G complex
138759 USH1G is_part_of MYO7A-USH1C-USH1G complex
138760 USH1C is_part_of MYO7A-USH1C-USH1G complex
21709241 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138762 CDH23 is_part_of Stereocilium tip link complex
138764 PCDH15 is_part_of Stereocilium tip link complex
17805295 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138787 MYO7A interacts (colocalizes) with WHRN
138788 MYO7A interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
138789 USH1G interacts (colocalizes) with WHRN
138790 USH1G interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
138791 PCDH15 interacts (colocalizes) with WHRN
138792 PCDH15 interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
138793 USH2A interacts (colocalizes) with WHRN
138794 USH2A interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
138795 ADGRV1 interacts (colocalizes) with WHRN
138796 ADGRV1 interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
138797 CDH23 interacts (colocalizes) with WHRN
138798 CDH23 interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
16987892 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138799 USH1C interacts (colocalizes) with PCDH15
138800 USH1C interacts (colocalizes) with USH1G
138801 USH1G interacts (colocalizes) with MYO7A
15590703 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138803 USH1C interacts (colocalizes) with USH2A
138804 USH1C interacts (colocalizes) with ADGRV1
16301216 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138815 WHRN interacts (colocalizes) with USH2A in synaptic region of photoreceptor cells, in synaptic region of cochlea outer hair cells
138816 WHRN interacts (colocalizes) with ADGRV1 in synaptic region of photoreceptor cells, in synaptic region of cochlea outer hair cells
138817 WHRN is localized in photoreceptor connecting cilium
138818 USH2A is localized in photoreceptor connecting cilium
138819 ADGRV1 is localized in photoreceptor connecting cilium
16434480 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138828 USH2A interacts (colocalizes) with WHRN
138829 USH2A interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
16301217 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138830 PCDH15 interacts (colocalizes) with USH1C
15928608 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138832 CDH23 is_part_of CDH23-USH1C complex
138838 USH1C is_part_of CDH23-USH1C complex
12407180 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138834 USH1C interacts (colocalizes) with CDH23 in growing cochlear hair cell stereocilia
138842 USH1C interacts (colocalizes) with MYO7A
12485990 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138836 PCDH15 interacts (colocalizes) with MYO7A
16481439 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138865 USH1C affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IC
10973247 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138869 USH1C affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
138870 USH1C affects_activity of impaired hearing
21487335 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138873 MYO7A interacts (colocalizes) with PDZD7
138874 MYO7A affects_activity of USH2A at the ankle link, in cochlear hair cells
138875 MYO7A affects_activity of ADGRV1 at the ankle link, in cochlear hair cells
138876 MYO7A affects_activity of WHRN at the ankle link, in cochlear hair cells
138877 MYO7A affects_activity of PDZD7 at the ankle link, in cochlear hair cells
138878 USH1G interacts (colocalizes) with ADGRV1
138879 MYO7A increases_quantity of USH2 complex at the ankle link, in cochlear hair cells
28031293 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138880 USH2A is_part_of USH2 complex
138881 WHRN is_part_of USH2 complex
138882 ADGRV1 is_part_of USH2 complex
138883 PDZD7 is_part_of USH2 complex
25406310 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138884 USH1G is_part_of USH1G-USH2A-WHRN complex in photoreceptor cells
138885 USH2A is_part_of USH1G-USH2A-WHRN complex in photoreceptor cells
138886 WHRN is_part_of USH1G-USH2A-WHRN complex in photoreceptor cells
138887 USH1G-USH2A-WHRN complex interacts (colocalizes) with ciliary base in photoreceptor cells
Usher syndrome
138904 HARS1 affects_activity of blindness
138905 HARS1 affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
138906 HARS1 affects_activity of Usher syndrome type IIIB in Amish patients
138909 HARS1 affects_activity of impaired hearing
22279524 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138914 USH2A affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIA
19881469 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138926 ARSG affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IV
138928 ARSG affects_activity of impaired hearing
138930 ARSG affects_activity of blindness
29300381 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138893 ARSG affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IV
138932 ARSG affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
33300174 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138936 ARSG affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IV
32455177 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138895 CLRN1 affects_activity of Usher syndrome, type IIIA
138941 CLRN1 affects_activity of impaired hearing
138942 CLRN1 affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
12145752 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome
138961 USH2A affects_activity of Retinitis pigmentosa
138962 USH2A affects_activity of impaired hearing
10729113 Ciliopathy
Usher syndrome